Klingon Ball, 2007

After Encounter Report: Klingon Ball, 2007

The KAG Vessel IKV Melota hosted its second Klingon Ball. Three guest "ships" were represented. "Ships" is in quotes because ORAC is not a fleet based organization. The USS Trinity River, USS Joshua and ORAC were present and in force for the Ball. We nearly hit the occupancy limit for the room. (60) The entry fees nearly paid for the room. The action and raffle raised some $600 for the Safe Haven. The odd item is that the poundage "fee" (hard good donations for the Safe Haven) was not nearly as much as last year even though the attendance was up.

To say that this year's Ball was better is an understatement. The food selection was tasty and great. We learned a bit from the first one and the music supplied this time had a better beat and therefore there was more dancing. The door prizes and auction had more home-made and commercially donated items. (gift certs, movie passes, free meals, etc)

Door prizes, raffle and auction items included such items as:

A glass table etched to be the plotting board in the DS9 command center
2 separate 30 minute massages
dinners at The Rig
an agate knife
a klingon jewelry box
leather pillows with various race symbols
and as K'tel says, "but wait, that's not all..."

Dipping the "Bloodwine" is a necessary Ceremony by our book. "Bloodwine" being in quotes as it was commercial root beer due to the venue. Lord Morgan of ORAC was awarded honorary and acting rank of Captain in order to dip with the Ship Captains. The four Ship Captains dipped first and the Ship's Brewer always dips last. This time, there was enough dry ice to actually freeze chunks of root beer. It was wonderfully cold which was nice since the body heat of nearly 60 people (nearly 4800 watts) was over powering the AC which had been set on cryo earlier in the day.

Uniforms were judged as was the food and awards given out. I did not keep score so I cannot tell at this time who got what.

There was really dancing this time. The food was great. The friends present made for a great evening. Having the room all day allowed for better decoration and less stress in the set up.

Once again, Ron from the Dallas Morning News was present to film and interview. He is the fellow that did the commercial video for the 2006 Tournament. We certainly tried to keep him entertained. His team mate was held up by another event and shall catch up with us tomorrow at the Good Day to Dine.

This event was a class production by the women of the IKV Melota.

Strength and Honor

Cdr Salek Sutai
Ship's Brewer
An Approved Brewmaster of the Empire


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