AER: Good Day to Dine, March 2008

After Encounter Report for the LSWA's Good Day to Dine, March 2008

We waited until it was too warm to have a decent walkabout, thus we had an indoors walkabout. The Warriors of the Lone Star Warrior's Association (DFW klindom in general regardless of ship affiliation) gathered at North East Mall for the March Good Day to Dine and Walkabout.

We arrived and ate at the food court which was fairly simple and quick. Then the real fun began...

We walked the mall. A store clerk (shoe store) requested that we come over and do a photo shoot since it was the current manager's last day. We spent some 30 minutes in there having fun arranging all kinds of funny pictures for the store staff and many mundanes who wanted pictures of us while we entertained the shoe store.

Keeping in mind that this is a fully uniformed event, we then went to a goth shop and spent just as long in there. The leather and spiky things were quite a hoot. They had some really nasty looking boots that were purchased for turning into klingon boots. The other patrons were looking at us as if we pretty much fit right in.

We had to ask the Rosetta Stone kiosk if they had klingonese. Uh, no. Bummer.

There was a fascinating store with natural and earth related things. Some of the materials presented ideas for future awards. The clerk was a great guy with a sense of humor.

Since Squeeze can smell chocolate from 30 paces, there was a trip through Godiva chocolates. Then the women Warriors determined that we all needed to go to Victoria's Secret. We already had a few pictures when one of the clerks stated that photography was forbidden. Hmmm. No real sense of humor, there.

We had lots of people ask for photos. We had a couple of people ask about the klingon ships in the area as possible recruits. Here is hoping that we will pick up a couple more.

It was a *Good* Day to Dine.

Strength and Honor, Y'all
Ship's Brewer


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