AER: Plano International Festival, 2010

AER: Plano International Festival, 2010

The KAG ship IKV Melota was once again invited to participate in the Plano International Festival.

You can tell that the folks in Plano (TX) have a great sense of humor. At a festival celebrating tribal ethnicity, they invite us to come an show our tribal ethnicity even though klingons are a TV fictional creation.

I could copy/paste the AER from 2007. This event is still full of color, languages, outfits and fun. There are still dancing, tribal dress presentations, and ethnic food. The good news is that there were presentations that we did not see in 2007. The bad news is that some of my favorite groups were not present this year.

The IKV Melota arrived and set up our table just in time for the opening Ceremonies. We had more people recognize us as klingons this year than in 2007. We had some batleth work teaching interested mundanes in our honorable weapon. Even the Plano Police got a kick out of the uniforms.
We managed to get a few bites. Hopefully, these shall pan out as recruits.
We stayed until shut down to assist in rolling up the sidewalks and turning out the lights.

Strength and Honor

Cdr. Salek Sutai the Sunburned
Ship's Senior Brewer


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